According to an intensive study by McKinsey & Company, 60% of consumers of facial skin care products went online to conduct research about a product after they purchased it.
Why? They were deciding whether to recommend the products to others.
When customers are happy with a purchase, they’ll advocate for it by word of mouth, making it easier for their peers to decide who to buy from.
Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to make it easy for your customers to spread the word.
Easy to make, easy to share, and exciting for all.
Everybody likes it when “real people” win. People share stories that move them, and if the story is powerful enough, it can help you move your new referrals through your marketing funnel faster.
See examples of Success Story Videos
Surprise and delight are the cornerstones of any great marketing strategy.
Remind your customers that you care about the relationship and you'll create fans for life. There are tons of opportunities to do so every year: company anniversaries, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and even Valentine's Day.
See examples of Thank-You Videos
Get your customers excited to come back for more.
Innovating is a powerful way to create customer loyalty. By continually creating new products and services that make their lives better, you'll show your customers that you really do care about them.
See examples of New Product/Service Introduction Videos
Let's see how it all fits together!
Here's your complete 4-step video marketing plan at a glance.
- Converting strangers into visitors:
Attract strangers to your website with educational content. - Converting visitors into leads:
Show your visitors how to solve a problem and capture their contact info. - Converting leads into buying customers:
Do this by engaging them on an emotional level. - Creating repeat buyers and active promoters:
Delight your customers and help them spread the word about you!
I hope you've found this series helpful!
Figuring out your company's marketing plan can be confusing and scary, and I hope I've helped make the process easier for you.
This entire series has been intensively researched and represents the “latest greatest” way to make your business more profitable in 2017.
If you have any questions about any of the info we've covered, comment below. I'm here for you any time!
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