Do you want your business to become known to more people? Video checklists are best used at the top (introductory level) of your marketing funnel, and will help you attract more visitors to your website.
If you're having trouble getting people to pay attention to your social media content, condensing it into an action-packed checklist video will definitely help capture more interest.
People love checklists because they deliver a lot of information in a short period of time, about any conceivable subject in the world. “Top 10” videos frequently get hundreds of millions of views on YouTube.
Fishing Checklist
Bulk Pricing:
2-5 videos: $431 each
6+ videos: $329 each
Top 10 videos work for any conceivable subject, including how to get the most out of a day of fishin'.
Note: I don't like that the video devotes its first 7 seconds to a logo animation — this is way longer than the average attention span on social media.
Example: Job Interview Checklist
Bulk Pricing:
2-5 videos: $979 each
6+ videos: $786 each
This video packs 12 expert tips into just 90 seconds. Some of them are as short as 5 seconds each, making this video powerful and effective.
Note: I personally would have titled this video “12 tips for an awesome job interview” — the opening title of this video may lose viewers right away.
Example: Business Startup Checklist
Bulk Pricing:
2-5 videos: $1204 each
6+ videos: $966 each
If you don't want to get in front of a camera, expert tips can easily be communicated with a colorful animation.
Note: I would make the video square (rather than widescreen) and make the text a lot larger, as most people use social media on their mobile devices.
Note: prices listed above are estimates, based on video length and general production level. Your actual price may vary depending on your individual needs.
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