$9 Pay what you want
What is the best binaural beat frequency for meditation?
A crazy amount of research went into answering this question.
Work began in February of 2020, when I started enlisting the help of professional researchers (with actual PhDs in neuroscience) to look at the body of research conducted on people that were meditating while having their brainwaves recorded with an EEG.
Listeners had been asking for a Theta-range meditation track. But what about Alpha and Delta — are those valid regions for meditation too? (The answer: Yes!)
Dozens of studies were read, and many finer points debated, by an international team before a single tone was produced for this set of meditations.

Here's what you get…
Light Meditation
Great for beginners, and people who have a problem with falling asleep while they're trying to meditate.
We start at 14 Hz then continue steady at 8.8 Hz.
60 minutes
[MP3 or FLAC]
Deep Meditation
Theta brainwave meditation at its finest.
Here, we ease down from the alert Beta state (14 Hz) to a nice relaxed 7.54 Hz, continuing to 5.65 Hz then holding for 20 minutes.
60 minutes
[MP3 or FLAC]
Extra Deep Meditation
Designed to help you attain a deeply-relaxed state normally only available to people with years of experience.
14 Hz down to 3 Hz, resting gently at 1.5 Hz to the end.
60 minutes
[MP3 or FLAC]
User Guide
A few tips to help you get the most from your purchase, as well as a listing of the studies we based these tracks upon.
All tracks are carefully encoded to ensure clean stereo separation and minimal compression noise.
Download them, copy them to any device, and enhance your inner calm even when you're miles away from Wi-Fi!
Buy "Meditation" Now ($9 Pay What You Want!)
Please note that purchasing is not an automatic license to distribute, remix or use my content for your commercial or personal projects.
Send me an email to inquire about using these tracks for business purposes.