Are you looking to generate more leads for your business? The almighty lead magnet is here to help!
A lead magnet is an easily-consumable piece of information that you offer on your website to convert visitors into leads.
Also referred to as opt-in bribes or signup incentives, lead magnets demonstrate your expertise and establish trust.
As long as your lead magnet delivers a quick win (by helping your visitors easily achieve something), your visitors are totally willing to give you their precious contact info to get it.
Your lead magnet should help a specific audience with a specific problem, be delivered instantly, and be consumable within 5-10 minutes.
Lead magnets come in many forms, and are most commonly delivered as downloadable PDFs.
However, the most powerful format for a lead magnet is: video.
Videos are a lot easier for people to consume, provide faster gratification, stimulate more senses and work with more learning styles than basic text-based lead magnets do.
If your company's lead generation isn't matching your entrepreneurial spirit, here are 3 kinds of videos that will help you get leads.
Video Lead Magnet Examples
Please note: the following examples are only demonstrations to provide you with ideas.
“How-To” Videos
These are, quite arguably, the most useful content that people can find online. They get millions upon millions of views on YouTube every day.
Show your visitors that you've got a video that'll help them solve a problem, and you’ll have a powerful lead magnet. It doesn’t have to be a big expensive production, just something that people can consume within 5 minutes.
Example: How to Perfect Your Squat
This is an example of a professionally-produced how-to video, with some extra camera angles that help the expert instruct her audience.
By the way, this video has 3.5 million views on YouTube.
See more examples of “how-to” video lead magnets here.
Case Studies
Go from being “another company that says they can solve my problem” in your prospect’s mind to a verified, credible expert they should listen to.
Case studies are a beautiful blend of “How-To” info and the all-powerful customer testimonial. Stay focused on the result that was achieved, and people will opt in to find out how they can create the same result.
Example: DeVry Case Study
This video is beautifully put together, and clearly communicates how the business (Retrofit) significantly improves the lives of the customer's (DeVry) employees and makes the business more profitable.
See more examples of case study video lead magnets here.
Webinar Excerpts
Webinars are often used for customer acquisition, but they’re also great for lead generation.
You don’t even have to put on a new webinar. People will opt in for recordings, too!
Got a webinar recording? It’ll be the easiest lead magnet you ever made.
Show your website visitors a snippet of a recent webinar that gives them value, and they’ll gladly give you their email address to see the full thing.
Webinar for Teachers
This short and amusing webinar snippet includes screens that encourage the viewer to visit a webpage to view the full recording.
See more examples of webinar excerpt video lead magnets here.
How would you like to convert those leads into buying customers? This next post will help you do that.
Would you recommend emailing the video after sign up, or surfacing the video immediately on a page after sign up?
Have the browser direct them to the video page, and also email it to them as a courtesy. 😎
Obviously the idea is to offer a lead this video in exchange for something like their email address. What is the best way to “hide” the video until they submit their email address ? I considered make a video private on Youtube, and then automating an email to send them the private video link upon their submission…but then they would have the link and be able to send it to whoever. What is the best way to grant access to a video, without giving them the ability to send it around themselves ?
My favorite response to this question is “even the Pentagon got hacked once…” 🙂
If people are truly determined to steal your stuff, they will, and there isn’t much you can do about it.
With that said, if your video truly gives people value and they want to share it with their friends, that’s a definite win for you!
You may not have their friend’s email address, but you’ve made an impression, and they’ll remember where they got the info from the next time they want to buy, or if they have a question.
But, if your video gives away the milk, the cow and the entire farm … you might wanna trim it down. 😉
Hi, Thank you so much for this answer. I was getting crazy for the past weeks looking for the right way to act. You are right, and plus it is indirect advertisement .
Lorenza from France