The world of video marketing has a dizzying array of possibilities.
Business owners look at all the choices and wonder, “Which kind of marketing video will give me the best ROI?”
Most companies make their first marketing investment in the form of an “Explainer,” a 60- to 90-second video that uses storytelling to show off their product or service.
Explainers are very effective at getting warm leads to consider purchasing, but let's not forget how important it is to generate those leads in the first place.
There are also a few types of videos that work best when shown to people who are already customers, as they encourage repeat-buying and referral behavior.
To put this article together, I've collected data from dozens of articles, considered hundreds of different video types and narrowed it down to the 14 kinds of videos your prospects will love and share the most, to give you the best return on your marketing investment.
#1: Checklist Videos
Compact, powerful and an easy favorite on social media.
If you're having trouble getting people to pay attention to your social media content, condensing it into an action-packed checklist video will definitely help capture more interest.
People love checklists because they deliver a lot of information in a short period of time, about any conceivable subject in the world. “Top 10” videos frequently get hundreds of millions of views on YouTube.
Marketing Funnel Stage: 1
#2: Infographic Videos
Well-researched videos are social media dynamite.
If you typically collect a lot of data in your business, and are concerned that you might put your viewers to sleep, worry no longer!
Infographic videos are perfect for taking “dry” content (figures, statistics, etc.) and making it fun to consume.
Entertain your prospects while educating them and they might just share your video!
One channel on YouTube that only creates infographic videos has over 150,000 subscribers and more than 12,000,000 views — with a library of only 31 videos.
Marketing Funnel Stage: 1
#3: Frequently Asked Questions Videos
This is the easiest kind of social-media-friendly video to start with, as the content for these videos is essentially handed to you from the minds of your prospects.
What kind of questions do your prospects tend to ask during their first consultation with you? Generate goodwill by giving people the exact information they want (before they even have to ask you for it).
Creating a series of “Frequently Asked Questions” videos will help you quickly and easily create valuable and effective content for your social media channels, and establish authority in your niche.
Marketing Funnel Stage: 1
#4: Video Tips Series
Go from being a total unknown to a credible and trustworthy authority.
A great way to establish authority in your niche is to have a library of useful tips that make someone's life easier, better, or more fun.
Producing a “Video Tips” series will help your business go from being a total unknown to a credible and trustworthy authority. You'll also have lots of social media content!
Marketing Funnel Stage: 1
#5: “How-To” Videos
These are, quite arguably, the most useful content that people can find online. They get millions upon millions of views on YouTube every day.
Show your visitors how to solve a problem (related to your business) and you've got a powerful lead magnet. It doesn't have to be a big expensive production, just something that people can consume within 5 minutes.
Marketing Funnel Stage: 2
#6: Case Studies
Go from being “another company that says they can solve my problem” in your prospect's mind to a verified, credible expert they should listen to.
Case studies are a beautiful blend of “How-To” info and the all-powerful customer testimonial. Stay focused on the result that was achieved, and people will opt in to find out how they can create the same result.
Marketing Funnel Stage: 2
#7: Webinar Excerpts
Webinars are often used for customer acquisition, but they're also great for lead generation.
You don't even have to put on a new webinar. People will opt in for recordings, too!
Got a webinar recording? It'll be the easiest lead magnet you ever made.
Show your website visitors a snippet of a recent webinar that gives them value, and they'll gladly give you their email address to see the full thing.
Marketing Funnel Stage: 2
#8: Testimonial Videos
Almighty, all-powerful.
Testimonial videos carry a lot of weight when it comes to giving your business credibility in the eyes of your prospects.
90% of customers say their buying decisions are influenced by online reviews, and prospects prefer to watch “real people” share their experiences whenever they consider making a purchase.
Marketing Funnel Stage: 3
#9: Explainer Videos
Captivate your prospects by telling a story that matches their own.
People fall asleep during TV commercials, but body language changes the instant they hear a story. If you show your prospects that you truly understand what they're going through, they'll be far more likely to listen.
Explainer videos help you condense everything that's great about your company (and all the ways you solve your prospects' problems), and present them in a way that's easy for them to understand.
Marketing Funnel Stage: 3
#10: Demo Videos
As any Olympic athlete will tell you, visualization is a very powerful tool.
Helping your prospects imagine themselves using your product or service will engage their purchasing desire without having to “sell” to them.
Demo videos work for a variety of offerings, whether yours is digital or physical.
Marketing Funnel Stage: 3
#11: About Us/Company Culture Videos
People do business with brands they know, like and trust.
About Us and Company Culture videos help you go from another voice on the Internet to a likeable, personable brand that your prospects can relate to.
Why does your company exist? What helps you get out of bed in the morning? Show your prospects that you have a passion and a vision, and they'll happily follow you toward that bright horizon.
Marketing Funnel Stage: 3
#12: Success Stories
Easy to make, easy to share, and exciting for all.
Everybody likes it when “real people” win. People share stories that move them, and if the story is powerful enough, it can help you move your new referrals through your marketing funnel faster.
Marketing Funnel Stage: 4
#13: “Thank You” Videos
According to research by the Peppers & Rogers Group, the #1 reason customers leave a business is not because of price or quality. It's because they feel that the business no longer values the relationship.
Surprise and delight are cornerstones of any great marketing strategy.
Reminding your customers that you care about the relationship will help you create fans for life. There are tons of opportunities to do so every year — company anniversaries, Christmas, Thanksgiving, and even Valentine's Day.
Marketing Funnel Stage: 4
#14: New Product and Service Introductions
Get your customers excited to come back for more.
Innovating is a powerful way to create customer loyalty. By continually creating new products and services that make their lives better, you'll show your customers that you really do care about them.
Use videos like these to introduce your customers to your new offerings and they'll be excited to come back for more.
Marketing Funnel Stage: 4
What's it all mean?
Ultimately, the answer to the question of, “Which video will give me the best marketing ROI?” is “all of the above.”
For most companies, the act of converting leads into buying customers generates all the money. Others generate income by way of increasing referrals and repeat business.
In both scenarios, if you can double the number of visitors that come to your website, and double the number of leads you get, you'll be able to increase your sales exponentially.
Next Step
Which kinds of videos do you show to strangers? Which kind do leads want to see? Those answers are indicated in the “Marketing Funnel Stage” indicated inside each item listed above.
Learn more about the various stages of the video marketing funnel here.
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